
Key vocabulary and phrases

keluarga family
ibu/mamah mother/mum
bapak/ayah father/dad
kakak older sibling
adik younger sibling
saudara sibling/relative
bibi/tante aunty
paman/om uncle
sepupu cousin
teman/kawan friend
sahabat best/close friend
ini... this is...
ini ibu saya this is my mum
namanya/dia bernama... his/her name is...
dia... he/she is...
dia tinggi he/she is tall
sifatnya... his/her character is...
sifatnya ramah he/she is friendly
warna colour
berwarna/warnanya... its colour is...

Family and Friends video

Let's watch a video about describing family and friends.

Continue with completing the Activity Sheet PDFs and the Latihan (exercises) to consolidate our learning.

Let's consolidate our family vocabulary knowledge.
(9 questions)


Klik di sini
(Click here)

Let's consolidate our knowledge of Indonesian adjectives.
(14 questions)


Klik di sini
(Click here)

Let's consolidate our colour names knowledge.
(10 questions)


Klik di sini
(Click here)

Let's practise forming Indonesian sentences.
(10 questions)


Klik di sini
(Click here)

Activity sheet 01

Let's practise what we have learnt. Complete the activities in the PDF below.

Family and Friends Activity sheet 01 PDF

Activity sheet 02

Let's practise what we have learnt. Complete the activities in the PDF below.

Family and Friends Activity sheet 02 PDF

Ayo main game! (Let's play a game!)

Play the game Tangkap Monster (Catch the Monsters). Let’s see how many monsters you can catch (by clicking on them). They will also be yelling out Indonesian adjectives - find these in the word search below.

Tangkap monster

Klik di sini
(Click here)


Word search PDF