Binatang/hewan | Animals |
Langka | Endangered/rare |
Endemik | Native |
Punah | Extinct |
Terancam punah | Threatened to extinction |
Perusakan lingkungan | Environmental destruction |
Kehilangan habitat | Losing habitat |
Perusahaan | Company |
Perusahaan kayu | Timber company |
Perusahaan sawit | Palm oil company |
Hutan | Jungle/forest |
Menebang hutan | Cutting down forest |
Memburu | To hunt |
Perburuan gelap | Illegal hunting |
Let's watch the video Binatang langka about endangered Indonesian animals.
Continue with completing the Activity Sheet PDFs and the Latihan (exercises) to consolidate our learning.
Let's consolidate our knowledge.
(10 questions)
Activity sheet 03 - (Hewan Langka)
Let's practise what we've learnt. Complete the activities in the PDF below.
Extension activities - Lingkungan
Let's extend our knowledge. Complete the activities in the PDF below.
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