
Key vocabulary and phrases

makanan food
minuman beverages
makan to eat
minum to drink
coba to try
cicip to taste (to sample food)
rasa taste (noun)
pesan to order
membeli to buy
menjual to sell
menawar to bargain
memasak to cook
membuat to make
tukang vendor

Food video 1

Let's watch a video about buying street food in Indonesia.

Continue with completing the Activity Sheet PDFs to consolidate our learning.

Activity sheet 01

Let's learn more about street food culture in Indonesia. Complete the activities in the PDF below.

Food Activity sheet 01 PDF

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Indonesian fruit names

Let's learn some Indonesian fruit names.

Indonesian fruit names

Activity sheet 02

Let's play some fun learning games.

Food Activity sheet 02 PDF
Flash Card PDF

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Food video 2

Let's learn about asking basic questions in Indonesian.

Activity sheet 03

Let's learn about bargaining in Indonesia.

Food Activity sheet 03 PDF

Activity sheet 04

Let's make our own Indonesian dessert.

Food Activity sheet 04 PDF

Listening activity 01

Let's practise our listening skills

Listening activity 01

Listening activity 02

Let's practise our listening skills

Listening activity 02

Listening activity 03

Let's practise our listening skills

Listening activity 03