
Key vocabulary and phrases

hobi hobby
kegiatan/aktivitas activity
mau to want
Mau ke mana? Where are you going?
Saya mau... I want...
Saya mau pergi ke... I want to go to... / I am going to...
main/bermain... to play...
Saya mau bermain... I want to play...
Kamu mau ikut? Do you want to come?
Kamu mau ikutan? Do you want to join?
suka to like
Saya suka... I like...
Saya suka main... I like to play...
Kamu suka main apa? What do you like to play?
Apakah kamu suka bermain tenis? Do you like playing tennis?
Suka main tenis nggak? Do you like playing tennis?
Suka nggak? Do you like it?
Kamu sedang apa? What are you doing?
Kamu lagi apa? What are you doing?

Hobbies and Activities video

Let's watch a video discussing hobbies and activities in Indonesian.

Continue with completing the Activity Sheet PDFs and the Latihan (exercises) to consolidate our learning.

Let's consolidate our Hobbies and Activities Indonesian vocabulary.
(12 questions)


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Activity sheet 01

Let's practise what we have learnt. Complete the activities in the PDF below.

Hobbies and Activities Activity sheet 01 PDF

Let's practise Indonesian sentences.
(10 questions)

Activity sheet 02

Let's practise what we have learnt. Complete the activities in the PDF below.

Hobbies and Activities Activity sheet 02 PDF