Bahasa Indonesia

Belajar Komedi

Ayo ketawa!

Di pelajaran ini, kita akan:

belajar Bahasa Indonesia dengan menyimak komedi.

Key activities:

Watch and listen to comedy clips

Learn and consolidate vocabulary and grammar
Learn about, and discuss intercultural aspects from comedy context.

Key phrases

     Lucu funny
     Kocak hilarious
     Konyol ridiculous
     Humor humour
     Main kata play of words
     Parodi parody
     Satir satire

Klip Ke-1

Let's watch and listen to the cartoon clip
Kado ulang tahun.
Complete the activities in the pdf.

Anima si Nopal pdf


Click di sini
(Click here)

Intercultural discussion

What cultural phenomena did you notice in this clip?

How do they compare with your culture?

Klip Ke-2

Let's watch and listen to the cartoon clip
Cara menjawab: "Kapan menikah"..
Complete the activities in the pdf.

Cara menjawab... pdf

Intercultural discussion

What cultural phenomena did you notice in this clip?

How do they compare with your culture?

Klip Ke-3

Let's watch and listen to the cartoon clip
Ke luar negeri ala anak kost..
Complete the activities in the pdf.

Ke luar negeri ala... pdf

Intercultural discussion

What cultural phenomena did you notice in this clip?

How do they compare with your culture?

Klip Ke-4

Let's watch and listen to the cartoon clip
Nopal dan Cute Girl ketemu sosok di kuburan.
Complete the activities in the pdf.

Anima si Nopal pdf

Intercultural discussion

What cultural phenomena did you notice in this clip?

How do they compare with your culture?

Klip Ke-5

Let's watch and listen to the cartoon clip
Jemur baju salah mulu!.
Complete the activities in the pdf.

#Sketch pdf

Intercultural discussion

What cultural phenomena did you notice in this clip?

How do they compare with your culture?

Klip Ke-6

Let's watch and listen to the short comedy
Ogah makan.
Complete the activities in the pdf.

Ogah makan pdf

Intercultural discussion

What cultural phenomena did you notice in this clip?

How do they compare with your culture?

Klip Ke-7

Let's watch and listen to the cartoon clip
Cita-cita Cuty.
Complete the activities in the pdf.

Anima si Nopal pdf

Intercultural discussion

What cultural phenomena did you notice in this clip?

How do they compare with your culture?

Klip Ke-8

Let's watch and listen to the cartoon clip
Ayam goreng.
Complete the activities in the pdf.

Ayam goreng pdf

Intercultural discussion

What cultural phenomena did you notice in this clip?

How do they compare with your culture?

Klip Ke-9

Let's watch and listen to the comedy clip
Baju couple.
Complete the activities in the pdf.

Baju couple pdf

Intercultural discussion

What cultural phenomena did you notice in this clip?

How do they compare with your culture?

Klip Ke-10

Let's watch and listen to the cartoon clip
Pilih WC duduk atau WC jongkok.
Complete the activities in the pdf.

Anima si Nopal pdf

Intercultural discussion

What cultural phenomena did you notice in this clip?

How do they compare with your culture?

Klip Ke-11

Let's watch and listen to the cartoon clip
Boleh bawa?.
Complete the activities in the pdf.

Boleh bawa? pdf

Intercultural discussion

What cultural phenomena did you notice in this clip?

How do they compare with your culture?

Klip Ke-12

Let's watch and listen to the cartoon clip
Pak Guru dan kelas online.
Complete the activities in the pdf.

Pak Guru dan kelas online pdf

Intercultural discussion

What cultural phenomena did you notice in this clip?

How do they compare with your culture?

Klip Ke-13

Let's watch and listen to the cartoon clip
Alasan Cuty Telat Sekolah.
Complete the activities in the pdf.

Alasan Cuty pdf

Klip Ke-14

Let's watch and listen to the cartoon clip
Kucing baru Cute Girl.

Listening and understanding activity.
Watch the animasinopal video below, followed by a class discussion addressing these questions:

Kenapa si Nopal sedih?
Apa saran Cute Girl kepada Nopal?
Cute Girl minta izin apa kepada Nopal?
Apa keunikan kucing Cute Girl?

Don't try to understand every line of the video's dialogue, just try to understand the gist. Use these kosa-kata berguna to help you:

jangan berisik - don't be noisy
gabung - join
soalnya = karena
jelek - ugly
tampan - handsome
kaya(k) = seperti
otak canggih - sophisticated brain
gratis - free
memikirkan - think of
hal buruk - bad things
pasti ada maunya - surely you (he/she) want something
menirukan - imitate manusia - human

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