
Unfinished Indonesia

Current affair

Unfinished Indonesia

Di pelajaran ini, kita akan:

- latihan mendengarkan dan memahami berita

- mendiskusikan isu-isu terkini.

Key activities:

Watch and study current affair video.

Listening and understanding.

Discuss current affair.


Let's watch a video news report about ideologies in Indonesia.
Complete activites in the pdf.

Unfinished Indonesia

Ayo berdiskusi!

What details do we know about the incident?

What are some of the netizens' reactions?

What new vocabulary have we learnt?

Kahoot! Activity

Let's login to Kahoot! and test our knowledge.

Player join

Click di sini
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Host login

Click di sini
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Grammar Talk

Indonesian Grammar Reference

Indonesian Grammar Treatise

Ayo meriset!

Apa itu...?

Ayo kita riset dan diskusikan dengan kelas!

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia

Click di sini
(Click here)

Tesaurus Tematis Bahasa Indonesia

Click di sini
(Click here)


Click di sini
(Click here)

Return to Main Menu

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