Bahasa Indonesia

Rutinitas pagi

Selamat pagi!

Hari ini kita akan belajar tentang rutinitas pagi.

Today we will learn about morning routine.

Vocabulary, Grammar and Language Points

- telling the time: jam..., jam setengah..., jam ... lewat..., jam ... kurang...

- vocabulary and phrases relating to morning routine

- conjuction phrases: setelah itu, sesudah itu, lalu

Key activites:

Learn and practise saying the time in Indonesian

Watch and discuss a video about morning routine

Developing listening skills in informal colloquial Indonesian

Learn about Indonesian cultural concepts

Do activities to consolidate our learning

Previous lesson recap

What is the difference between a transitive and intransitive verb?

What prefix does an intransitive verb take?

What prefix does a transitive verb take?

Can you say a transitive and intransitive sentence using the verb makan?

Can you say a transitive and intransitive sentence using the verb baca?

Can you say a transitive and intransitive sentence using the verb main?

Can you say a transitive and intransitive sentence using the verb kerja?

Can you explain the differences between the verbs: tonton, menonton, nonton?

Can you create a sentence using menonton and nonton?

Can you explain the differences between the verbs: tari, menari, nari?

Can you create a sentence using menari and nari?

Jam berapa?

What's the time?


Jam berapa quiz

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Listening to informal/colloquial spoken Indonesian.

Informal spoken Indonesian can be very fast and contain many colloquial words. You will need to live in Indonesia, immersed in a native-speaker environment for a long period before you'll reach such proficiency. Nonetheless, by studying and understanding it first, it will prepare you and make fluency acquisition later much easier. Therefore, our aim at this stage is to be exposed to the informal spoken language and try to understand as much as possible.

Kegiatan pagi Shelly

Let's study the following video about Shelly's morning activities.

Firstly, let's familiarise ourselves with some of the vocabulary and read the Kosa kata list in section B of the PDF.

Kegiatan Pagi Shelly PDF

Now watch and listen to the video and follow along by reading the transcript in section A of the PDF.

Complete section C on your own and discuss your answers with the class when you're finished.

Complete this quiz to help you with activity D of the Kegiatan Pagi Shelly PDF.


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Kegiatan pagi saya

Setiap pagi saya bangun sekitar jam enam. Saya cuci muka lalu sarapan. Setelah sarapan saya ke taman bawa jalan-jalan anjing saya. Sesudah pulang ke rumah lagi, saya mandi dan siap-siap untuk bekerja.

Do you know the meaning of these words/phrases?

setiap pagi


cuci muka



Write a paragraph about your morning routine and share with the class.

Giliranmu sekarang!

Now it's your turn!

Listen to the children song below and translate the four-line lyrics into English.

Grammar Talk

Let's learn more about Indonesian verbs.

Indonesian Grammar Reference

Return to Main Menu

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