
Berita Terkini

Latest news


Para pemirsa...

Di pelajaran ini, kita akan:

- latihan membaca berita

- mendiskusikan isu-isu terkini.

Key activities:

Watch and study news video

Read news articles, practise understanding and translating.

Discuss current affair.


Let's watch a video news report about a terrorist attack in the city of Makassar, Sulawesi.
Complete activites A & B in the pdf.

Bom Bunuh Diri di Makassar

Ayo berdiskusi!

What details do we know about the incident?

What are some of the netizens' reactions?

What new vocabulary have we learnt?

News article

Let's read a news report and discussion about the same incident.
Complete activites C in the pdf.

Virus Radikalisme di antara Wahabi dan Milenial

Original link

Ayo berdiskusi!

What details does the article report?

What are some of the discussion topics in the article?

What new vocabulary have we learnt?

Pekerjaan rumah     Homework

Tugas PR:
- Write a 100 word summary in Indonesian about the news topic we studied today.

Kahoot! Activity

Let's login to Kahoot! and test our knowledge.

Player join

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Host login

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Grammar Talk

Indonesian Grammar Reference

Indonesian Grammar Treatise

Ayo meriset!

Apa itu...?

Ayo kita riset dan diskusikan dengan kelas!

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia

Click di sini
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Tesaurus Tematis Bahasa Indonesia

Click di sini
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Return to Main Menu

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