Bahasa Indonesia
In this lesson we will:
- learn about spices and vegetables
- learn how to write a recipe
- Tastes: rasa manis, asin, asam
- Aroma: wangi, harum
- Imperative verbs
Key activities:
Investigate and practise spices and vegetable names
Describe the taste of your favourite spices
Write recipes
Watch and discuss video clips to support our learning
Can you answer these questions?
Kamu pernah coba buah Indonesia?
Yang mana?
Seperti apa rasanya? Enak?
Kamu mau coba buah Indonesia yang mana?
Key phrases:
Rasa taste
Manis sweet
Rasanya manis It tastes sweet
Asin salty
Asam sour
Pahit bitter
Hambar tasteless
Pedas spicy
Wangi nice aroma
Harum pleasant smell
Bau unpleasant smell
Let's learn some spices and vegetable names.
Ayo kita baca artikel Bumbu rempah di bawah ini lalu kerjakan latihan QUIZ. Silakan meriset di GOOGLE kalau perlu.
Use the base word to create imperative sentences.
If the active verb has the -kan suffix, this suffix stays.
Use joining words/phrases such as lalu, setelah itu.
Masak air di dalam panci sampai mendidih, lalu kecilkan apinya. Setelah itu masukkan telurnya dan masak selama satu menit, lalu keluarkan telurnya. Telur setengah matang siap untuk dihidangkan.
Masak - cook
Tambahkan - Add
Aduk - stir
Potong - cut
Masukkan - put in
Keluarkan - take out
Rebus - boil
Ulek - to crush with mortar and pestle
Goreng - fry
Tumis - saute
Hidangkan - serve
Watch the video on how to make gado-gado.
Test your skills!
With a classmate, take notes and write the cooking process in Indonesian.
Write a simple recipe in Indonesian of a dish you like to make and describe the taste.
Let's login to Kahoot! and test our knowledge.
As the course progresses, from time to time, we might read the headlines from the latest Indonesian news for class discussion.
Apa itu...?
Ayo kita riset dan diskusikan dengan kelas!