Bahasa Indonesia


Siap menyanyi?

Di pelajaran ini, kita akan:

- belajar tentang musik keroncong

- belajar menggunakan seandainya.

Vocabulary, Grammar and Language Points

- Subjunctive hypothetical statement: Seandainya..., maka...akan...

Key activities:

Listen to Kroncong songs

Practise listening and translating skills

Learn and practise hypothetical sentences.


Key phrases:

Seandainya                                                                If (hypothetical)

Seandainya saya..., saya akan...                    If I were..., I'll...

Seandainya..., maka...akan...                           If..., then...will...

Videos: Musik Keroncong

Let's watch some Keroncong music videos.
Complete the pdf activities for each video clip.

Musik Keroncong

Keroncong Protol

Unsur-unsur budaya

Do you know what's going on with someone when, 'Perutnya keroncongan'?

The lyrics of the song Keroncong Kemayoran is in pantun style. What is pantun?

In the song Tanjung Perak, the friend's nick name is 'Si Gendut'. How would you translate this in English? How does this compare with nicknames in an English-speaking culture?

Seandainya kamu seorang pelaut Portugis dari jaman dulu, dan mendengarkan lagu Kroncong Protocol, seperti apa mungkin reaksimu?

Can you come up with your Seandainya... statement?
What would you do in a hypothetical past or future scenario?

Ayo meriset!

Let's read about the origins of the music genre Keroncong. Working with a partner, compare the information of the English wikipedia account in the 'History' subheading with the Indonesian version under the Asal usul subheading. Do not use a dictionary. Use the key phrases listed in the Kosa kata below to help you understand the gist and main points.

Keroncong (Eng)

Keroncong (Ina)

Kosa kata

Pelaut dan budak - Sailors and slaves
Bentuk awal - Early form
Dalam perkembangannya - In its development
Masuk sejumlah unsur - Enters a number of aspects
Seruling - Flute

Berdiskusi dengan kelas:
Bagaimana sejarah perkembangannya musik keroncong di Indonesia?

Latihan mengarang
Composing practise

Let's practise composing a dialogue script in Indonesian.

Musik Keroncong

Let's practise transcribing informal language into formal language.


Click di sini
(Click here)

How would you summarise your dialogue into formal Indonesian?


Tahukah anda di mana Kota Solo?
Apa saja fakta yang menarik tentang Solo?
Ayo kita cari tahu!

Kota Solo

Peraturan Baru!
(New Rule!)

Henceforth when we look up Indonesian words, we try not to use bilingual dictionary / Google translator but instead use Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia(KBBI).
The KBBI site has the dictionary as well as the thesaurus (Tesaurus). Both are great resources to learn vocabulary in their contexts.
Looking up TL word definitions will help develop our interpreting and problem solving skills. If the word is not listed in KBBI, then use google search with key phrase, "xxx artinya". Or just google the word and see how it is used in authentic TL texts. We can also google images to see what an item looks like.

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia

Click di sini
(Click here)

Tesaurus Tematis Bahasa Indonesia

Click di sini
(Click here)

Kahoot! Activity

Let's login to Kahoot! and test our knowledge.

Player join

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Host login

Click di sini
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Return to Main Menu

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