Bahasa Indonesia

Harimau Sumatera

Selamat datang!

Di pelajaran ini, kita akan:

- belajar tentang isu-isu seputar Harimau Sumatra

- belajar bagaimana bercerita tentang suatu kejadian masa lampau.

Vocabulary, Grammar and Language Points

Discussing past events using:

- Dulu, saya pernah...

- Dulu, waktu...saya pernah...

- Pada...pernah ada/hidup...

Key activities:

Watch videos and discuss issues about the Sumatran Tiger

Practise commenting on online platform

Learn how to talk about the past

Isu-isu Harimau Sumatra

Key phrases:

Terancam punah                             threatened to extinction

Kehilangan habitat                        lost habitat

Diburu                                                   hunted

Terjerat                                                 trapped/snared

Merawat                                               to care for

Melepasliarkan                                 to free in the wild

Menyelamatkan Harimau Sumatera

Let's watch a video about the rehabilitation of Sumatran Tigers.
Complete Part 1 of the pdf.

Harimau Sumatera PDF

Public opinion: Let's read some of the comments people have about the video.




Komplotan Pemburu Harimau Sumatra Ditangkap

Let's watch a video about illegal hunting of the Sumatran Tiger.
Complete Part 2 of the pdf.

Harimau Sumatera PDF

Public opinion: Let's read some of the comments people have about the video.



Meet the Tiger King of Indonesia

Let's watch a video about a relationship between a tiger and a man.
Complete Part 3 of the pdf.

Harimau Sumatera PDF

Public opinion: Let's read some of the comments people have about the video.




Giliranmu sekarang!

Now it's your turn!

What's your opinion? Write three comments, in Indonesian, one for each video.

Commenting online

When commenting online, we don't need to be formal nor write coherent sentences. Typically we use exclamation phrases to express our feelings. Here are some useful exclamation phrases:

Ya ampun!...

Sedihnya me-...

Bikin marah me-...

Terima kasih sudah me-...

Senangnya me-...

Kisah Harimau di Indonesia

Did you know that not too long ago tigers also existed in other parts of Indonesia? Let's find out more.

Sumatran Tiger  Click di sini!

Javan Tiger  Click di sini!

Bali Tiger  Click di sini!

Talking about 'once upon a time' events.

To narrate events that 'once' took place, use the structure:

- Dulu, saya pernah [...]

- Dulu, waktu [...] saya pernah [...]

- Pada (...) pernah ada/hidup [...]


Dulu saya pernah melihat harimau di kebun binatang.

Dulu, waktu saya berumur sebelas tahun, saya pernah melihat harimau di kebun binatang.

Pada tahun 1970an harimau masih ada di Jawa.

Maintaining a conversation

Let's learn how to maintain a conversation:

Percakapan tentang harimau PDF

Tugas bercerita


Your are a local Javanese villager who believe you have once sighted a tiger sometime ago. You are explaining and describing to a journalist what you saw.
Write some notes for your narrative (80-100 words) and share with class.

Kahoot! Activity

Let's login to Kahoot! and test our knowledge.

Player join

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Host login

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Tesaurus Tematis Bahasa Indonesia

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