Bahasa Indonesia

Dampak-dampak dari Pariwisata

Selamat datang!

Di pelajaran ini, kita akan:

- belajar tentang dampak pisitif dan negatif dari pariwisata.

Key activities:

Reading articles about the tourism industry.

Practise our understanding and translation skills.

Practise using Daripada..., lebih baik...

Vocabulary, Grammar and Language Points

- Daripada..., lebih baik...

- Ketimbang..., mendingan...

Key phrases

     Pariwisata Tourism
     Wisatawan Tourist(s)
     Dampak Effect
     Keuntungan Advantages
     Kerugian Disadvantages

Latihan membaca

Ayo membaca tentang berbagai jenis pariwisata di Indonesia.

Read the following text about different tourism types. Take note of vocabulary and phrases that are new to you. Discuss and translate with class.

Macam jenis pariwisata pdf

Let's practise using Daripada..., lebih baik... conjunction phrases.


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Latihan membaca dan menerjemahkan

Ayo membaca tentang isu pembangunan sarana pariwisata di Taman Nasional Komodo.

Let's practise our understanding and translation skills. Read the following article about tourism development on Komodo National Park. Complete the activities in the pdf.

Pembangunan Infrastruktur Taman Nasional Komodo pdf

Video: Dampak Pariwisata

Ayo kita membahas dampak dari pariwisata.

Let's practise our understanding and translation skills. Watch the following video about the effects of tourism. Complete the activities in the pdf.

Dampak pariwisata pdf

Pekerjaan rumah     Homework

Tugas PR:
- Tulislah suatu paragraf (100 kata) tentang dampak positif dan negatif pariwisata di suatu tempat di Australia.

Kahoot! Activity

Let's login to Kahoot! and test our knowledge.

Player join

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Host login

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Grammar Talk


Indonesian Grammar Reference

Indonesian Grammar Treatise

Keeping up with the news

As the course progresses, from time to time, we might read the headlines from the latest Indonesian news for class discussion.

CNN Indonesia

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Antara News

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Ayo meriset!

Apa itu...?

Ayo kita riset dan diskusikan dengan kelas!

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia

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Tesaurus Tematis Bahasa Indonesia

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Return to Main Menu

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