Bahasa Indonesia
In this lesson we will:
- learn about the VOC and early Dutch colonialism in Nusantara
Belanda | Dutch |
VOC | Dutch East Indies Company |
Kompeni | VOC |
Batavia | former Jakarta |
Menjajah | Colonise |
Penjajahan | Colonisation |
Key activites:
Watch the video and discuss early Dutch colonisation in Nusantara
Let's now watch a video about early Dutch colonisation in Indonesia.
What was VOC's strategy priority in the East Indies?
How did events in Banda island exemplified VOC's tactics?
What was Jan Pieterszoon Coen's approach and what were its impact on the spice trade?
Let's read some wikipedia excerpts about the VOC and practise our translation skills
Kongsi | Incorporation |
Perusahaan | Company |
Resmi | Formally |
Didirikan | Established |
Dagang | Trade |
Persekutuan | Conglomeration |
Meskipun | Even though |
Sebenarnya | In actual fact |
Merupakan | Is/was |
Istimewa | Special |
Didukung | Supported |
Hak | Rights |
Tentara | Soldier |
Mata uang | Currency |
Hingga | Even |
Menyatakan | Declare |
Perang | War |
Pihak | Party |
Menyebut | Say |
Di kalangan | Among |
Bahkan | Even also |
Istilah | Term |
Merujuk | Incline toward |
Makna | Meaning |
Penindasan | Oppression |
Pemerasan | Exploiting by coercion |
Let's watch a video about Dutch Government's colonisation in Nusantara.
How would you describe KNIL's army components?
What do you think were KNIL's war strategy?
What were the Dutch's colonial strategies? Why was this so?
What different policies existed between different Dutch Governor Generals?
What was the rationale behind the cultivation system?
What ideologies served as platforms for Indonesian nationalism?
Why do you think the USA supported Indonesian independence movement?
Let's read some wikipedia excerpts about the Ethical Policy and practise our translation skills
balas budi | return favour |
kebijakan | policy |
resmi | official |
pendudukan | occupation |
mengumumkan | announce |
tanggung jawab | responsibility |
kesejahteraan | well being |
menghasilkan | produce |
keuntungan | profit |
menandai | marks |
peradaban | civilisation |
melibatkan | involves |
penyebaran | the spreading |
terjajah | colonised |
pemikiran | reasoning |
menyatakan | to state |
memegang | to hold |
tanggung jawab | responsibility |
bumiputera | native person |
tanam paksa | forced cultivation |
muncul | appear |
pelopor | pioneer |
wartawan | journalist |
memperhatikan | to pay attention |
nasib | fate |
terbelakang | under developed |
naik tahta | crowned |
menegaskan | to assert |
hutang budi | indebted |
menuangkan | to pour/utter |
terangkum | summarised |
meliputi | to cover (news/rules) |
bendungan | dam/dyke |
memperluas | to widen |
pihak | people/parties |
menghubungkan | to connect |
diterbitkan | published |
beberapa waktu sebelumnya | not long before |
pencetus | instigator |
What spurred and motivated the Dutch towards the implementation of the 'ethical policy' in Indonesia?
What kind of changes did it affect?
Do historians consider it successful and effective?
What legacy, consequences and repercussions do you think the ethical policy had?
Let's watch some clips about 20th century Dutch colonisation and Indonesian resistance against the Dutch, followed by class discussion.
Video archive: Dutch East Indies to Indonesia (1900-1949)
Pendudukan | Occupation |
wilayah | Territory |
Dibentuk | Formed |
Nasionalisasi | Nationalisation |
Jajahan | Colony |
Diperluas | Widen |
Mencapai | Reaching |
Batas | Border |
Berharga | valuable |
Kekuasaan | Power |
Keunggulan | Superiority |
Hasil Bumi | Natural resources/Earth's produce |
Tatanan | Order |
Didasarkan | Based on |
Kaku | Rigid |
Terpisah | Seperated |
Berhubungan | In contact |
Pribumi | Native |
Menetapkan | Set |
Panggung | Stage |
Melemahkan | Weaken |
Menyerah | Surrender |
Perjuangkan | Fought for |
Mengakui | Acknowledged |
Kedaulatan | Sovereignty |
Meja Bundar | Round Table |
Pengecualian | Exception |
Persetujuan | Agreement |
Markas | Headquarters |
Ayo berdiskusi!
What were the main events and aspects of 20th century Dutch colonialism in Indonesia?
Let's login to Kahoot! and test our knowledge.
As the course progresses, from time to time, we might read the headlines from the latest Indonesian news for class discussion.