Bahasa Indonesia

Proklamasi Kemerdekaan


Di pelajaran ini, kita akan belajar tentang:

- proklamasi kemerdekaan (17-08-1945).

Key activities:

Watch videos and read text about Indonesian independence.

Discuss the circumstances surrounding Indonesian independence.

Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia

Ayo kita menonton beberapa video tentang kemerdekaan Indonesia.

Click this link if the video does not play.

Proklamasi Kemerdekaan - youtube

Class activity: Read the articles below about the events surrounding Indonesian independence declaration. Identify key phrases and words that you know. Discuss with class.
 Tugu Proklamasi
Naskah Proklamasi

Lagu: Hari Merdeka
Watch and listen the Hari Merdeka song and working with a classmate, translate the song.

Lagu Hari Merdeka PDF

Class activity: Read the article about one of Sukarno's speech. Identify key phrases and words that you know. Discuss with class.
 Pidato Soekarno

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