
Key vocabulary and phrases

sekolah school
guru teacher
ruang guru staffroom
ruang kelas classroom
kantor office
kepala sekolah principal
kantor kepala sekolah principal's office
perpustakaan library
lapangan field/court
jam hour (specific time)
waktu time (general)
jam masuk school start
jam istirahat break time
jam pulang go home time (school finish time)
belajar to learn/study
mengajar to teach
pelajaran lesson
pekerjaan rumah (PR) homework
mengerjakan PR doing homework
bikin PR doing homework

School video 1

Let's watch a video about Ida introducing Laura to their school.

School video 2

Let's learn how to use terms of address and personal pronouns.

Continue with completing the Latihan (exercises) Quiz to consolidate our knowledge.

Let's consolidate our knowledge.
(10 questions)


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School video 3

Let's learn how to say the time in Indonesian.

Continue with completing the Activity Sheet PDFs and the Latihan (exercises) quiz to consolidate our learning.

School Activity sheet 01 PDF

Let's practise what we have learnt. Complete the activities in the PDF below.

School Activity sheet 01 PDF

Let's practise Indonesian times.
(10 questions)

Let's consolidate what we have learnt.
Practising Indonesian sentences.
(10 questions)

Let's learn the names of days in Indonesian.


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(Click here)

School Activity sheet 02 PDF

Let's gets creative!
Sticker project -
Making lesson names stickers.

School Activity sheet 02 PDF

Sticker Images PDF

Extra activity sheet

Let's practise what we have learnt. Complete the activities in the PDF below.

School Extra Activity sheet 01 PDF

School Extra Activity sheet 02 PDF