
Polusi dan limbah

Key vocabulary and phrases

Lingkungan Environment
Alam Nature
Udara Air
Laut Ocean
Limbah Waste
Sampah Rubbish
Pertambangan Mining
Pertanian Agriculture (plants)
Peternakan Agriculture (animals)
Mencemar Pollute/contaminate
Merusak Destroy
Daur ulang Recycle
Mendidik Educating
Mengurangi Reduce
Bahan bakar Fuel
Ramah lingkungan Environmentally friendly

Let's watch the video Polusi dan limbah about environmental problems in Indonesia.

Continue with completing the Activity Sheet PDFs and the Latihan (exercises) to consolidate our learning.

Let's consolidate our knowledge.
(10 questions)


Klik di sini
(Click here)

Let's watch the video Pulau Plastik about environmental problems in Indonesia.

Continue with completing the Activity Sheet PDFs to consolidate our learning.

Activity Sheet 1 - (Signage)

Let's practise what we've learnt. Complete the activities in the PDF below.

Environment Activity Sheet 1 PDF

Activity Sheet 1B - (Song: Plastik)

Let's listen to a song about plastic pollution. Complete the activities in the PDF below.

Environment Activity sheet 1B PDF

Activity Sheet 2 - (Pulau Plastik)

Let's practise what we've learnt. Complete the activities in the PDF below.

Environment Activity Sheet 2 PDF

Pulau Plastik Transcript PDF

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